It was once said that home is where the heart can laugh without shyness and where the heart's tears can dry at their own pace. I hope this space will be a place you find yourself at home. I hope you will find safety, comfort and joy on these pages. You are seen and you are loved dear friend. Thanks for stopping by!

Saturday, December 31, 2011


So...I have this fancy (ok, not really at all) little app on my phone called Instagram and I am obsessed! I search for things to photogaph and try to set the scene and I am so delighted when I find just the right lighting! Though I know it sounds crazy and all you professionals are thinking "she has no idea what she's talking about" and you're right...I really want to know! Anyone have any idea how I can learn? I can't go to school full-time or anything but some night classes would be perfect. Let me know if you have any info....

1 comment:

Sarah said...

Take a weekend or evening beginners digital class at Moorpark! If you need a camera, I have a back up you could borrow for the class :)