It was once said that home is where the heart can laugh without shyness and where the heart's tears can dry at their own pace. I hope this space will be a place you find yourself at home. I hope you will find safety, comfort and joy on these pages. You are seen and you are loved dear friend. Thanks for stopping by!

Wednesday, December 24, 2014

Thankful for His Presence

2014 has been an incredible year. It has in many ways been incredibly difficult as it felt like a constant onslaught of trials either for me personally or those I love. I don't know if a week went by when I didn't receive news of some loss, loss of health, jobs, life and relationships. And news around the world has been grievous as well, it has been a very heavy year.

But with all the loss has come a greater knowledge of Immanuel, God with us. I have so keenly felt his presence as I've struggled to understand and navigate my circumstances. While so many things remain unclear, what is perhaps clearer than ever is that God is with us. He sees us, knows us, loves us and meets us right where we're at.

One of the themes God has been working on in my life this year is that of thankfulness.

We talk a lot about thanksgiving, we really ramp it up in November and maybe even carry it through the holiday season. Though if you're anything like me, the holidays rarely seem like reason to be thankful. They are more often painful reminders of loss or what is not yet. But really, isn't the longing for those things found in our longing for Christ and a place we have not yet known, a heavenly country?

I have read Isaiah 64 everyday this year. The Lord has spoken volumes to my heart through this passage of scripture. Earlier this year, as I meditated on these verses, there were four things I believe God was asking me to do; wait, rejoice, do righteousness and remember.
Rejoicing or giving thanks is one of the only things the Bible tells us to do ALWAYS. I read a book called "One Thousand Gifts" this year in which the author challenges the reader in thanksgiving, to not only be present and aware of the infinite number of gifts we take for granted; breath and life, sunshine and soft breezes but to give thanks ALWAYS; when we are grieved, perplexed, doubting, anxious, alone, fearful....ALWAYS.

Wait, rejoice, do righteousness, remember. Sometimes God calls us into seasons of waiting, this may feel painful or hopeless. We may be wondering what to do next? As I asked that question this year, "Lord, what do I do while I'm waiting?" His answer was "Do righteousness, rejoice and remember". Do righteousness, do the next right thing, honor God and honor others. Rejoice, always. And remember; when God seems absent or even cruel, remember his past faithfulness and trust that He is that same God today, always faithful, always loving, always just, always with us.

As I reflected on the four ways God had spoken to me, it always came back to "rejoice" and practicing thanksgiving when it would seem almost inappropriate has helped me see once again, Immanuel, God with us. I may not be able to see anything else clearly, but I can recognize that He is there with me, caring for me and as promised, working ALL things to good for those who love him.

We are told in the Psalms that "he inhabits the praises of his people" and that "in his presence is the fullness of joy". As we practice thanksgiving in ALL things we are sure to be met by our God and sure, there to find, the fullness of joy.

For since the beginning of the world
Men have not heard nor perceived by the ear,
Nor has the eye seen any God besides You,
Who acts for the one who waits for Him. You meet him who rejoices and does righteousness,
Who remembers You in Your ways.
You are indeed angry, for we have sinned—
In these ways we continue;
And we need to be saved.
Isaiah 64:4,5

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