It was once said that home is where the heart can laugh without shyness and where the heart's tears can dry at their own pace. I hope this space will be a place you find yourself at home. I hope you will find safety, comfort and joy on these pages. You are seen and you are loved dear friend. Thanks for stopping by!

Sunday, December 25, 2011

A Year In Time....2011

"Blessed is the man whose strength is in You, whose heart is set on pilgrimage. As they pass through the valley of Baca, they make it a spring; the rain also covers it with pools. They go from strength to strength; each one appears before God in Zion." Psalm84:5-7

December 2010...
This time last year I was in Cambodia (barely...see last years posts) visiting one of my best friends Katherine and praying about whether or not there was a long-term future for me there. While I prayed diligently for this desire birthed by my love for K and the children at COH I knew in my spirit that God had a different plan. But I never could have imagined what would come next.

I had been serving with After Hours Ministry for about three years, a response to a burden God had given me for women in prostitution years before. Upon my return from Cambodia the leaders of AHM told me that they would be stepping down and asked if I would take over. I can't say I was surpised, not because I was at all aware of the circumstances that led up to the decision but because God had prepared my heart. I knew I would be stepping into a greater role in the ministry I just didn't know how. So I was ready and one step of faith at a time moved forward into the clear calling to lead AHM.

As I was pulling out of the parking lot at school one afternoon I saw that I had a message from my Dad. He was calling from home in the middle of the afternoon and asked that I call them (he and my stepmom) back as soon as possible. I knew something was wrong. It was the phone call I had been dreading. I don't know why, I guess it just comes with getting older but the last couple of years I've feared the loss of one of my parents in a way I hadn't before. My stepmom had cancer. It was in her uterus and they were going to be able to do surgery to remove the tumor. Though the prognosis was good, it changed things for me, for us as a family. It caused us to consider that we might not have tomorrow and to make the most of today. The day of the surgery came and we were all together and Grace (that's my stepmom) made it through with flying colors, cancer free!

My sister is 22 months older than me and my best friend in the whole world. We have been through everything together. And though we didn't always get along (especially in the teen years) we have been there for each other through everything... the devasting times filled with middle of the night phone calls and unending tears and the joyful times of celebration and hope.
This July, my beautiful sister got married. A second marriage for both, they blended their families and my sister went from being a mom of one to a mom of three. I of course gained a beautiful niece and nephew and couldn't have been happier at the union.

My sister delivered my nephew Noah (that makes four!) 6 weeks early. There are a few spectacular things about the coming of Noah into the world 1) I was there to witness his entrance, an absolutely incredible moment that I will always cherish 2) he was six weeks early! That is too early!
Noah spent the next 2 weeks in the NICU and our family took turns accompanying my sister to the hospital and helping with the kids. Then Noah came home! He is healthy and growing strong and we are so blessed by our newest addition! :)

Remember that dreadful phone call? Imagine getting it twice in one year. This time it wasn't my Stepmom  but my Dad. He went in to the ER for abdominal pain and long story short, discovered that he had a very rare form of pancreatic cancer. The next few weeks were filled with many emotions...there were so many unknowns and it was difficult not to think of the worst. I couldn't help thinking that our time might be short together and began to mourn the possibility of  a future without my dad. Several tests and doctors visits later the doctors assured us that with treatment my Dad would most likely do quite well and have many years to come. With that news in mind we all took a big sigh of relief despite the fact that there are still many tests to be done and many more unknowns.
Not to go out of order but I'm reminded of a prayer I prayed regularly this last summer... "Lord, help me to love my family better". He often answers in the most unexpected ways, what I mean by that is He didn't simply change my heart in a moment so that I became more loving instead He took our family through times of heartache that we (I) might realize the incredible gift we have in one another and begin to truly cherish each moment which is a gift from above.

God gave AHM an incredible Christmas gift... one of the women we had been praying for got out of the game and into a safe house. We are overwhelmed with thankfulness at the goodness and faithfulness of our God. Please keep M in your prayers and she begins her new life (see previous post "a story of hope" for more details)

And here we are, the end of another year. I have no idea what 2012 holds but I am ready with anticipation for the good plans the Lord has for me and I am filled to overflowing with thankfulness for all that He has done.

Looking to Him,

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