It was once said that home is where the heart can laugh without shyness and where the heart's tears can dry at their own pace. I hope this space will be a place you find yourself at home. I hope you will find safety, comfort and joy on these pages. You are seen and you are loved dear friend. Thanks for stopping by!

Saturday, June 11, 2011

After Hours Ministry Outreach, June 10th 2011

Sometimes in our walk we are waiting (it feels like most of the time actually) but then eventually our waiting comes to an end and God answers. It feels as though God has opened the flood gates on After Hours Ministry. Several months ago I felt as though we were standing before a wall in the ministry and either we could stop there and let things be as they were or we could scale it and have opportunites greater than we could even imagine. Praise God, He has brought us over that wall and into an incredible season. We have seen so many prayers answered in the last several months it is overwhelming. Last night was an absolute answer to prayer. We held our first training class in the community we minister to, to local believers with a heart for their city.

Our specific prayer was for a church to connect with near the track so we would have a place to connect the women to. We met at this church last night :) At the end of the meeting the pastor offered their support and facilities to our!

God is planting other ministries in the same area that we are able to partner with for the gospel, like our friends with "Feeding The Spirit" a Bible study that meets on the street. They were our connection to this church and they actually arranged the meeting for our class last night!

God is growing our team and building teams in other locations. We had two other groups join us for our class last night that intend to start their own ministries in their area. Three women came who were formerly in the Game and are now serving Jesus.

After the class, 17 of us went on outreach. We split up in 4 teams and hit two different tracks. Our team met up with several women, 2 who didn't want to talk, 2 who really wanted to talk (one of them knew us) and asked for prayer for honest employment, 3 who didn't have much to say but happily took a gift bag, 1 who we have met several times who though she told me she likes what she does let me pray for God's deliverance for her, and 1 who was heartbroken because her son didn't live with her and her best friend had been stabbed and readily received prayer.

Last night was incredible, God is uniting His church for His kingdom and bringing glory to Himself. God is seeking after His own. God is greater than the evil of this world. I am so thankful to be His.

Prayer requests:
  • Continued wisdom and direction as we connect with others serving in the same community. That each of us would have wisdom for the role that we have and how we can be most effective for God's kingdom.
  • For unity within our ministry and the body as a whole
  • For freedom for those who are held captive, that they will walk in the hope and future God has for them
  • For wisdom as we seek to connect individuals to safe houses, employment rescources, churches etc. that are necessary for their restoration

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