Well spring has arrived and with it and a very late Easter break has come the desire to do nothing :) Only suddenly I have more to do than ever! I don't know if I've ever looked forward to a vacation as much I am our upcoming Easter break...only 19 days to go.
School has been insane lately, but the good kind of insane ;)
This last week we had a much anticipated visit from the accredidation team. They were with us for 3 days time in which they observed us and poured over all of the documentation we have been preparing for them for the last 2 years to see if we measured up to the set standards and to see if we were accurately judging how we measured up. When they left they gave us a report with commendations and recommendations. I was so incredibly blessed by the report they gave! They were a sweet encouragement to all of us and I felt as thought all the hard work done to prepare for their visit was worth it, they saw that we were a great school! Isn't it just like the Lord to take something that seems like it will be nothing but added stress and turn it into a blessing?
On Friday I took 6 of my students to the Regional ACSI Science Fair. It was a very long day but very fruitful, 2 of my students won! I am so blessed by all of them and it was sweet to see them all succeed as they had worked so hard.
This week I'm taking my 9th graders to Magic Mountain for our annual physics day at the park (this is the 2nd year I've taken my kids so I get to say annual now ;) ). I am so excited, this group of students is very unique and a sweet blessing to me as a teacher! I can't wait to hit up the crazy rides with them and get a big old giant headache...it will be worth it!!! ;)
In addition we have our parent's meeting for our upcoming Catalina trip this week. I am so looking forward to this trip, I love getting time with the kids outside of the classroom, it can completely change the dynamics of our class. This is a pretty wild bunch of kids though...I am imagining some pretty interesting shananigans will take place, Lord give us grace!
As always, I absolutely covet your prayers for this ministry, God has entrusted a great deal to me with my students and I desparately need His Spirit to be effective in this position. May He be glorified in all things.
That's all for now...blessings in Him!
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