It was once said that home is where the heart can laugh without shyness and where the heart's tears can dry at their own pace. I hope this space will be a place you find yourself at home. I hope you will find safety, comfort and joy on these pages. You are seen and you are loved dear friend. Thanks for stopping by!

Monday, November 29, 2010


I had written this after my return trip to Bosnia in 2005 and never published it... I still marvel at how God brought me there...twice!!!

As I arrived in the Sarajevo airport tears came to my eyes as I reflected upon the faithfulness of God to bring me back to this land and these people whom I love and had long to desired to see again. I understood Paul's heart when he wrote the Thessalonians how he longed to be with them and would come to them when God made a way. Praise God for the doors He opened for me to return to Bosnia.

Minutes after I arrived we drove and hour and a half to the city of Zenica where there are two students with a heart to start a student ministry. We joined them for an evening Bible study in the hopes that they would be encouraged by the fellowship and the Word.
The next morning we took a three hour bus ride to Tuzla where we met with three young women who have very little fellowship, especially with those their own age. They were delighted to be with other Christians who they could open up with and pray with.
On my third day we attended the local evangelical church and an evangelistic course that evening. It was an incredible blessing to fellowship with the believers there and to see the hand of God upon the country, He is doing an awesome work!
The next day was my birthday and we went up in the mountains and walked in the snow, there was 3 meters of snow! We had hot chocolate that was more like hot pudding and then went to the city for my favorite food "krumpirsa" or "pita" (fillow dough filled with potato goodness and covered with sour cream!). That evening they asked me to teach the student Bible study which was an incredible blessing and they even surprised me with a birthday cake!

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